Cleaning for Earth Day

Today I spent the morning cleaning up trash with the South Bay Clean Creek Coalition for Earth Day. It served as a reminder that no efforts to help the earth and nature go to waste. Through the efforts of SBCCC over the years, salmon have been slowly returning to the area. Every piece of trash... Continue Reading →

Shake Your Tail, Save a Whale

Today I was at Whale Fest, a community event raising awareness about the threats to whales in their habitats. Living in California and near the coast has many blessings, including being able to see whales. My family and I love to go whale watching and it never gets old seeing these beautiful creatures in person.... Continue Reading →

Books for Pride 2023

As a straight, cis woman Pride will also mean something different to me than those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Even though I will never know what it is like to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, thankfully there are books that can help open my eyes to their experiences. Here are some... Continue Reading →

Mental Health Awareness 2023

Let’s get cozy and talk about mental health! May is Mental Health Awareness month. Even though the month is ending, caring for your mental health is a 24/7 thing. It can’t be contained into just one month. You need to care for your mental health just like you care for your physical health. I have... Continue Reading →

Equal Pay Day 2023

Today (March 14) is Equal Pay Day. Each year a day is dedicated "to raise awareness around and combat the impact of pay inequities" (AAUW). "Equal Pay Day 2023 is on March 14 and marks the current state of the gender pay gap: 84% for full-time workers and 77% for all workers (including part-time and... Continue Reading →

Practicing Gratitude

A couple of days ago, in the United States, was Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday that most people spend by reflecting on what they are most thankful for. Right now I am most thankful for my health. This past year was a struggle for me, especially my mental health. I spend most of last year focusing... Continue Reading →

Death Anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe

“Lord help my poor soul” (alleged last words of Edgar Allan Poe). Yesterday (10/7) marked the 173 year anniversary of Poe’s death. He has shaped my life in many ways. It’s because of him I fell in love with the study of literature and focused on it in college. May his writings continue to live... Continue Reading →

Orange Shirt Day: May We Never Forget

Today I wore an orange shirt for Orange Shirt Day. “On September 30, Orange Shirt Day promotes awareness about the Indian residential school system still impacting Native American communities in the United States and Canada. Known as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the day honors the children forced into Indian boarding schools” (National Day... Continue Reading →

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